Climate Change
The Case for Climate Crisis and Why It Is Wrong
The key premise of the claim that there is a climate crisis is that CO2 in the atmosphere traps heat in the form of outgoing long wave radiation(OLR). Radiation, which is energy carried by electromagnetic waves vibrating at different wavelengths, is a means of heat...
What To Read Or Watch For The Truth About Climate Change
If you have some interest and a little time, but don’t want to get too “into the weeds”, watch The Climate Movie for a terrific, entertaining overview. If you want to know what three world-class physicists think about...
Why CO2 Emissions Are Not A Problem Now And Never Will Be
The American government and European governments are forcing obedience to the idea that human-caused emissions of carbon dioxide will lead to catastrophic global warming and must be eliminated. This idea is entirely and unequivocally false. CO2 is not now and never...
Solving the Climate Puzzle the Sun’s Surprising Role
This article is a bit long but very much worth reading. It presents key points from a superb distillation of what the climate science literature says. The author, Javier Vinos, a Ph.D. scientist, spent nine years studying the scientific literature on climate...
Richard Lindzen’s conversation with Jordan Peterson
Richard Lindzen, a retired atmospheric physicist. Per Wikipedia, “He is the author of more than 200 scientific papers. From 1972 to 1982, he served as the Gordon McKay Professor of Dynamic Meteorology at Harvard University. In 1983, he was appointed as the Alfred P....
William Happer’s presentation on the effect of CO2 on temperature
Notes and Commentary on William Happer’s Presentation to Australia’s Institute of Public Affairs on the Effects of CO2 on temperature September, 2023 The core narrative of the climate emergency crowd is that a higher concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere will cause a...
Interviews with Richard Lindzen and David Dilley
Richard Lindzen, A retired atmospheric physicist who held full professorships from Harvard and MIT, debunks climate alarmism. Notes from interviews with Richard Lindzen on BizNews David Dilley on Tom Nelson podcast (#97) April, 2023 Richard Lindzen Re: climate change:...
Clearing the Air on Climate Change
Joe Biden, the permanent bureaucracy, the Democratic Party, their cheerleaders in the mainstream media, and the global elites – the types who each year flock to Davos for a meeting of the World Economic Forum – tell us that climate change is an existential threat to...
A Very Basic Primer on Climate Change
1. Climate change activists want you to believe that the rise in atmospheric CO2 from fossil fuel burning is causing a dangerous warming of the Earth’s surface. 2. The idea is not supported by the evidence. 3. Since 1850, before humans began to burn fossil fuels for...
A Non-political Guide to Climate Change 3/6/21
I am inaugurating a series of posts on climate change for people who want to know what the key facts are, and what scientists think is a true picture of how the climate system works. “True” as defined here means that the description provided will be shown to be valid...
What scientists think they know about what drives the Earth’s Climate System, the role of CO2, and the contribution of man-caused CO2 emissions
Overview … climate change is a permanent feature of planet Earth; any human impact that might be occurring is probably too small to discern against a background of natural variability (Singer, p. 118. There remain many uncertainties about how the climate system...
Why the official climate change narrative is false
There ae two reasons. First, the models don’t match what has actually happened, and second, the Summary for Policymakers (SPM) misrepresents what the science says as reported in the IPCC’s AR5. The theoretical models used to predict future warming are not consistent...
Why the models used to justify the official climate change narrative are wrong
The foundation for government climate policy worldwide is The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC) , an international environmental treaty addressing climate change, negotiated, and signed by 154 states at the United Nations (UN). Its policy...
What is the relationship between the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere and temperature change on a geologic time scale, the last several thousand years, the last several hundred years, and recently, when humanity started burning fossil fuels?
The first thing to note about the temperature of the Earth’s surface is that it has been variable ever since there was an atmosphere, and these variations have had no significant relationship to the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. Historic data show CO2...
What has happened to the average global temperature since 1900?
The short answer is not much, certainly not enough for anyone to worry about. Furthermore, the temperature change observed is nothing out of the ordinary. In the past 120 years since 1900, there has been a 1.2 degree Celsius increase in global temperature (Lindzen,...
Climate change: Separating the real science from the political science 3/20/18
Climate change advocates and skeptics alike can agree that humankind has a duty to be a good and faithful steward of the Earth, our island home. It may or may not be unique in the universe, but we know that it is vanishingly rare. Clarity of thought and careful...
Should the public be worried about an accelerating sea level rise from global warming?
No. The best evidence on [whether there is an acceleration in sea level rise] is tide gauge data from stations in tectonically stable areas with more than eighty years of uninterrupted recording. . Such data show a steady linear sea level rise of about 18 cm [about 7...
Is global cooling in our future?
If you really want to annoy a climate alarmist cultist, you can assert that global cooling is what we should expect. Nobody knows what triggers little ice ages (LIAs), but some experts expect that a LIA may be coming our way. Why? They cite a strong correlation with a...
Green Delusions and Hydrocarbon Realities
Subsequent to the election of Biden as president, the mainstream media have been full of stories heralding the robust flowering of green energy and an accelerating decline in the use of hydrocarbons, mainly oil and gas. I instinctively distrust anything the mainstream...
NASA, NOAA, Climate Change, and the Importance of Context
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) recently released a climate change study reporting that the last decade was the warmest in modern times (since 1880 when reliable record keeping began). The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)...
Why climate change should not alarm you
For decades, the United Nations, European governments, Democratic politicians in the United States, and the mainstream media have been telling us that (1) man caused (anthropogenic) emissions of CO2 are an important contributor to the global warming trend of the past...
A climate change warning from the American Meteorological society
The American Meteorological Society issued the following statement in its Monthly Weather Review: The Arctic Ocean is warming up. Icebergs are growing scarcer in some places and the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report from the Commerce...
More Nonsense From Climate Change Activists
Climate change activists held a Global Climate Action Summit [GCAS] September 13 and 14 in San Francisco. The speakers proclaimed they weren’t going to discuss the science because, in their view, it is settled. They are mistaken. In fact, science, based on careful...
What about the polar bears?
I get upset when I see a video of a polar bear struggling to get on an ice floe. The inference is that global warming, caused mainly by man-made CO2 emissions, is causing the polar bears to suffer and die. But is this really true? Recent data suggest...
The coral on the Great Barrier Reef is dying, isn’t it?
Maybe not. Peter Ridd, a scientist who has studied the coral along the Great Barrier Reef for over thirty years is not so sure. He is open-minded: “We may indeed have a Great Barrier Reef crisis, but the science is so flawed that it is impossible to tell its actual...