Richard Lindzen,
A retired atmospheric physicist who held full professorships from Harvard and MIT, debunks climate alarmism.
Notes from interviews with
Richard Lindzen on BizNews
David Dilley on Tom Nelson podcast (#97)
April, 2023
Richard Lindzen
- Re: climate change: what are people talking about? There are dozens of different climate regimes.
- One knob, e.g., CO2 doesn’t cause the whole thing. That’s magical thinking.
- Highs and lows carry heat.
- There is differential heating between the tropics and the poles.
- There has been an increase in temperature of of ~1.1⁰ C over the last 100-150 years.
- Climate change alarmism is an evil movement.
- Even if extreme events were occurring (there is no evidence they are), how do they relate to the rise in CO2?
- Climate change is a power play; it has nothing to do with climate.
- The agenda is to control the energy sector.
- The “97 of scientists aggree” mantra is bogus, a falsified number. What did they agree to? You can frame the question to get any answer you want.
- Climate change activists assume the feedbacks are positively reinforcing. This is wrong.
- It appears that upper level clouds in the tropics are acting in such a manner as to oppose the greenhouse effect.
- Most climate “scientists” study the impact of climate change, not climate physics.
- Climate variability does not arise from anthropogenic climate effects.
- Long before there were people, the climate was changing pronouncedly.
- What really matters is solar radiation in summer at high latitudes.
- CO2 follows temperature.
- The change in radiative flux in ice ages from CO2 is about 1 watt /m². Incoming solar radiation varies by ~ 100 watts/m² over a cycle.
- No impact from CO2 mitigation efforts.
David Dilley
- CO2 has nothing to do with climate change. All climate change is driven by natural cycles. Man’s impact is negligible.
- CO2 is 4 one hundredths of 1 percent of the atmosphere. CO2 from human activities is 4 ten thousandths of 1%.
- As the arctic and Antarctic warm up, the mid latitudes warm up and vice-versa. Global warming and global cooling begin in the Arctic and Antarctica.
- The Earth rotates around the Sun in an elliptical path. Closer is warmer; further is colder. The Earth reached its perigee about 8,000 years ago.
- The moon is in an elliptical orbit around the Earth. That moves atmospheric highs about 230 miles north .
- When the Earth, Sun, and Moon are lined up, the gravitational pull on the surface of the Earth increases by 44-47%.
- The elliptical orbits create cycles of varying durations and strength:
- Weak cycle once a month
- Stronger cycles every 4,9,18, 70 and 230 years.
- There have been six global warming cycles in the last 200 years.
- The gravitational cycles overlap with the global warming cycles.
- Warm water causes the ocean to expand and vice-versa. The North Pacific is entering a cooling phase.
- We have just ended a 230 year warming cycle and are about to enter a period of global cooling.
- Arctic ice is going to be increasing as summers get cooler and there is less melting.
- By 2030, it will be as cold as in the 1950’s and 1960’s.