Why climate change should not alarm you

For decades, the United Nations, European governments, Democratic politicians in the United States, and the mainstream media have been telling us that (1) man caused (anthropogenic) emissions of CO2 are an important contributor to the global warming trend of the past...

More Nonsense From Climate Change Activists

Climate change activists held a Global Climate Action Summit [GCAS] September 13 and 14 in San Francisco. The speakers proclaimed they weren’t going to discuss the science because, in their view, it is settled. They are mistaken. In fact, science, based on careful...

What about the polar bears?

I get upset when I see a video of a polar bear struggling to get on an ice floe. The inference is that global warming, caused mainly by man-made CO2 emissions, is causing the polar bears to suffer and die. But is this really true? Recent data suggest...