Hunting for Truth amidst Mainstream Nonsense
In Government, Markets, and You, we describe:
- How the federal government’s economic and social policies will affect the American people.
- What you can do to protect yourself;
- What changes are necessary for prosperity, social harmony, and the opportunity for every American to become his best self.
In Climate Change we show why the climate crisis narrative is false and harmful.
In Green Energy we show why the promise of green energy is false and why fossil fuel production should be encouraged.
In Science and Religion we show how science supports what the Bible has been telling us about the nature of the world. Also, we explore whether the idea of a loving God can be reconciled with the pain, suffering, cruelty, and injustice we see all around us.
In US and the World we explore what principles should guide foreign policy.
In Living Smart and Living Well we present ideas that could help you think better.
To view articles, click on the tab, “Articles by Topic” .
I have done my best to be faithful to the Truth or Nonsense Mission. Be warned, however, that, as a contrarian by nature, I have a particular interest in ideas – provided they are supported by solid evidence – that disconfirm what the mainstream media tells you.
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I strongly welcome comments, but ask you to abide by the principle, “Always respect the person, never respect the idea.” A thoughtful analysis of why the views I present are wrong helps all of us get closer to discerning what is true, but civility must rule.
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