The Harris Conundrum: Why the Election Is So Close and the Consequences of a Harris Victory.


Even the most casual observer  of Kamala Harris would be hard pressed to conclude that she is competent, trustworthy, articulate, hard-working, full of well thought through policy proposals, and concerned about the good of the country. Yet the presidential race is neck and neck; she may well win. Why?

Support for Harris  arises not from her character, intellect, or vision but from a combination of raw self-interest and fear. Let us enumerate its sources:

  1. The elites who control the centers of power and influence in America – the federal bureaucracy, the legacy media (ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, NPR, The New York Times, the Washington Post), the entertainment industry, academia, big tech – support her because they know she is wholly malleable and will do whatever they want. Seeing themselves as intellectually and morally superior to the rest of us, the elites feel justified in pursuing whatever means are necessary to secure their hold on power, always of course for our own good. In their view, they are entitled to garner and exercise whatever power is needed to decide for the rest of us what we should think, say, and do. Niceties such as free speech and limits on the concentration of power as enshrined in the American Constitution should be overridden when “necessary”. These failed, corrupt elites should be called out for what they are: emergent totalitarians.

The elites  know Harris is an idiot , but she’s their idiot. For them, the election is about the preservation and enhancement of their power, nothing else. Having failed at everything they have touched, our leftist elites are desperate to avoid a true reckoning of their manifold economic, national security, social, educational, and health failures.

Here is a partial recitation of what America’s “betters” have wrought:

  • Those who wish us harm – China, Russia, and Iran – are stronger and we are weaker;
  • We have had stubborn inflation in goods and services accompanied by stagnant real (inflation adjusted) wages;
  • We have let into the country millions of people who want American taxpayers to finance their health and welfare, and have no intention of adopting American values;
  • We have a high cost, bureaucratic health care system that detracts from the delivery of good quality health care at a competitive cost;
  • We have runaway federal debt that guarantees either accelerating inflation or crushing taxes, or both;
  • Americans have been hobbled by ever higher energy costs in response to a non-existent climate crisis;
  • Our public education system is a disgrace. Despite ever rising per pupil expenditure, the performance of our children on tests of competence is abysmal and getting worse.
  1. The unions, especially the public sector unions, want Harris as president because they know she will do everything she can to use political power to strengthen their economic interests.


  1. Unmarried young women believe she will use government to protect them, to perform the role previously filled by a husband.


  1. A few people, wanting to signal their virtue or show racial solidarity, will vote for her because of the color of her skin.


  1. Some voters, ignoring the basic truth that there is no such thing as a free lunch, will vote for her because she promises “free” stuff.


  1. Finally, and to me baffling, many people will vote for her because she is not Donald Trump. I don’t understand why personal dislike overrides his record of peace, prosperity, and greater freedom from a coercive government. However much his boasting and bombast are off-putting, his policies unquestionably are more beneficial to Americans than those of Harris, whose apparent core principle is summarized by Marxian mantra, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need”. Nonetheless, there is no doubt that Trump trepidation is a meaningful driver of voter behavior.

I have no idea who is going to win the election, but I do know the consequences of a Harris victory, especially if the Democratic left captures the House and Senate:

  • In the name of preventing the spread of “disinformation” as defined by the elites, there will be a sustained assault on free expression of opinions contrary to the official narrative.
  • Higher taxes, more regulation, higher government spending, and blowout federal deficits will accompany economic stagnation, and widespread scapegoating of businesses.
  • The elites will find a way to preserve their wealth and power, but regular Americans will find their prospects diminishing.
  • There will be a barrage of initiatives to create a permanent one-party

Democrat leftist state:

  • A continuation of the open border policy
  • Statehood for the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico
  • Term limits for Supreme Court justices and an increase in the number of justices
  • Elimination of traditional restraints on power such as the filibuster and the electoral college.

This election matters more than any in my lifetime. It will define who we have become. Are we children willing to be directed by others so we don’t have to be responsible for ourselves, or are we a free people who want to govern ourselves and create our own adventure even at the risk of failure?  Do we understand that giving up freedom for security is always and everywhere a false choice. Dystopia is staring us in the face.

No one hopes I am wrong more than I.


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