Is There a Why?

John Lennox, Christian apologist and professor emeritus of mathematics at Oxford, reminds us that while science can tell us how our world works, it cannot tell us anything about why we are here. His observation strikes me as unarguably true, but it begs the question...
Evidence and Belief

Evidence and Belief

What the Evidence Says about What’s True Ever since I was old enough to think about the world, I have wanted to understand what is true. I have never been a post-modernist, one of those people who think that reality is nothing but a social construct, devised and...

Why I am a Universalist

I think all who call themselves Christians would assent to  certain foundational beliefs: There is a single consciousness – spirit or logos – that has created from nothing all reality: spacetime, energy, a world of unimaginable beauty and complexity, us. We call this...

Hard Truth and Hope in the Story of Job

Ever since I first read the story of Job decades ago, it has bothered me. The oldest story in the Bible, it addresses head-on the question that plagues anyone who takes God seriously: How can a loving God stand by while a good person suffers? The story begins with a...