Articles by Topic

I hope you will have a look at the earlier entries as well as the latest.

Government, Markets, and You

How America Can Come Back from Chaos

The chaos and ruin in America today is exceptional: our open border, the intellectual and moral corruption of the mainstream media, wokeness over readiness in the military, an educational system that indoctrinates but does not educate, decriminalization, resurgent...

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Letter to My Children on How to Invest Their Money

I have approached the challenge of advising you on how to invest your money with trepidation. Having invested other people’s money and my own for decades, I know that the world is a lot more complex and subtle than even the smartest guys in the room can comprehend....

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Financial Cassandras: Early or Just Wrong?

People like me have been warning for years that the response of the Federal Reserve and the federal government to the 2007-2008 Great Financial Crisis (GFC) fixed nothing, and a worse financial crisis is in the offing. In the meantime, stock indexes are near their...

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Climate Change

Solving the Climate Puzzle the Sun’s Surprising Role

This article is a bit long but very much worth reading. It  presents key points from a superb distillation  of what the climate science literature says. The author, Javier Vinos, a Ph.D. scientist, spent nine years studying the scientific literature on climate...

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Richard Lindzen’s conversation with Jordan Peterson

Richard Lindzen, a retired atmospheric physicist. Per Wikipedia, “He is the author of more than 200 scientific papers. From 1972 to 1982, he served as the Gordon McKay Professor of Dynamic Meteorology at Harvard University. In 1983, he was appointed as the Alfred P....

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Green Energy

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Science and Religion

Hard Truth and Hope in the Story of Job

Ever since I first read the story of Job decades ago, it has bothered me. The oldest story in the Bible, it addresses head-on the question that plagues anyone who takes God seriously: How can a loving God stand by while a good person suffers? The story begins with a...

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God and the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ

My wife, Mary, and I are estranged Episcopalians. We both, however, have an interest in understanding whether the story of Christianity is true. If it isn’t, humanity is in trouble at least in the very long run. According to the current scientific understanding of how...

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A Meditation on Suffering

A man I knew, a very nice man, recently died after a period of horrible suffering from an aggressive cancer. He was 55. His death got me thinking about how anyone can have faith in a loving God when contemplating the hellish, pervasive suffering we all see, and...

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U.S. and The World

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Living Smart Living Well

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